League Director Representative Voting

To all NCTTA Regional & Division Directors:

In conjunction with the elections for the other NCTTA Board positions, voting for League Director Representative is now open.

Here is the candidate:
Chris Wang - http://nctta.org/elections/2012/LeagueDirectorRep_ChrisWang.pdf

Even though there is only one candidate, votes are still needed.

Please submit your vote by email to elections@nctta.org, with the
1. Your name
2. The region or division you are directing
3. Yes or No, in terms of whether you are in support of the candidate. If you wish to abstain from voting for this position, then indicate "abstain".

If you are also a school representative voting for the other positions, it is preferred that you submit your vote for this in a separate email.

The deadline for voting is 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 13.
Invalid votes will not be counted.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at this address.
Thanks for your participation!